Klic has produced video programs for both first and second year Spanish textbooks.  We have produced Spanish programs for McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education and Vista Higher Learning.

Amigos sin fronteras – McGraw Hill Higher Education

Amigos sin fronteras is a Spanish one program  that accompanies the Tu Mundo textbook.  The video program is an episodic narrative that follows a group of students….. Berkeley who are members of the “Amigos sin fronteras” club.  The video is fast paced and entertaining, featuring hand-held camerawork and “direct address” monologues dialogs, which gives the program a fresh and modern feel – much like many of today’s TV programs.

Watch Amigos sin fronteras: episodio 4 –  El Nuevo equipo de fútbol

Additional Amigos sin fronteras episodes:

Episodio 3: Une noche de juegos

Episodio 15: Una larga siesta

Official website for Tu mundo (Amigos sin fronteras)

Conexiones – Pearson Education

Conexiones is a documentary style series of 11 episodes shot on location in Barcelona, Mexico City and Los Angeles to accompany Conexiones, a second year Spanish language textbook.  The chosen topics are engaging to students and cover a variety of current issues: from tattoos and body image to current fashion trends, music, and the 2012 Olympics.  Each chapter weaves together interviews with native speakers along with a thoughtful narration based on each unit’s vocabulary.

Conexiones 4: Los tatuajes y la expression personal

Other Conexiones videos:

Conexiones 5: La música y los castillos humano

Conexiones 9: Los juegos olímpicos del 2012

Official website for Conexiones

Flash Cultura – Vista Higher Learning

Flash Cultura is a hosted first-year Spanish language video program shot in eight different countries.  Each episode takes students on a fun, fast-paced adventure with their native guide.

¿Estres?  ¿Qué estrés?

Other examples from Flash Cultura:

El metro del D.F

La comida latina

Official website for Flash Cultura

Salu2 – McGraw Hill

Salu2 (Saludos) is a News magazine format video program made to accompany Puntos de partida 9e, one of the most successful Spanish one textbooks on the market today.  Salu2  features two anchor-hosts who  discuss topics of interests from all over the Spanish speaking world.  The video contains mini-segments from 8 different countries, ranging from Spain and Puerto Rico to Peru and Argentina.

Play programa 7:  ¡Qué rico!

Other Salu2 episodes:

Programa 4: ¡Moda, moda, moda!

Programa 8: ¡De viaje!

Official website for Puntos de partida (Salu2)

Experience Spanish – Mc Graw Hill

Experience Spanish  takes the student on a hosted adventure to six different Spanish speaking countries: Argentina, Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.  Made to accompany a first year Spanish textbook, Experience Spanish is both entertaining and highly informative.  The students get an intimate look at each country by going on a tour with a native guide.

Play capítulo 10: Un viaje a Machu Picchu

Additional examples from Experience Spanish:

Play capítulo 13: Buenos Aires

Conexiones culturales en vivo: Los Pasatiempos y los deportes

Official website for Experience Spanish